
Quickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipes

Quickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipesZoom


Color classificationA total of MURF1640CT A single total of MURF1640CTR A single MURF1640CT CTR paired with a pair
Dipolar useQuickly close the diode
Diode characteristicsGeneral contact diode
Secondary tube structurePoint contact diode



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Quickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipes

Quickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipesQuickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipesProvide Quickly restore plastic diodes MURF1640CT for yin MURF1640CTR for yang semi-bridge pairing pipes by gzliandedz at Product #: 156028852294.22In stock