
Girls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetime

Girls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetimeZoom


brandAriel & Olola
sizeM L XL XXL
patternPure color
WaistMiddle waist
Applicable genderFemale
Color classification3 leak-proof ( blue gray pink )7001 day and night leak-proof 3 ( blue gray )7007 day and night leak-proof 3 ( blue blue pink)70
Fabrics are commonly knownCotton fabric
listing timeFall 2018
Section numberGD024
Ingredient content95% or more
Costume style detailsButterfly bow
Applicable objectyouth
styleTriangle pants
Crotch materialPure cotton
Types of sales channelsPure electrician ( only sells online )
Crotch material composition100% cotton%
Nature ingredients95% polyurethane elastic fiber (Ammonia )5%
Number of2



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Girls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetime

Girls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetimeGirls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetimeProvide Girls' underwear, middle school students, girls' leak-proof, aunt's trousers, children's safety pants during her lifetime by 爱莉儿欧萝拉旗舰店 at Product #: 4198670601313.89In stock