
The real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbook

The real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbookZoom


Types of teaching aidsClerk's book ( Textbook Real Title ) Full set of 2 copies Textbook Real Title Title Library (3 Textbook Textbook Title Library )2 Title ( Calendar year real question)
ISBN number9787511558787
title2019 Legal Inspection System Clerk Recruitment Examination Writer Test
pricing6800 yuan
EditorLi Yongxin
Positive: Deputy title2019 Legal Inspection System Clerk Recruitment Examination Writer Test
Is it a suitno
Publisher namePeople's Daily Press



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The real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbook

The real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbookThe real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbookProvide The real-charge reference book for the clerk's examination materials is in the public 2023 court procuratorate legal inspection system employment system employment system comprehensive legal basic knowledge textbook by 金玉良言图书专营店 at Product #: 59172232089015.71In stock