
UBS Double Sided Tape High Viscosity Strength Studio Photo Frame Handbook Nameplate Leather Fixture Oily Double Sided Tape Semi-transparent Long-Term Fixation Resistant to 80 Degree Die Cut Wood Pulp Double Sided Tape


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Item No.Oil Tape
TypeDouble-sided glue
color classificationVery thin 5mm * 50m length * 10pcs width 8mm * 50m length * 10pcs width 10mm * 50m length * 10pcs width 12mm * 50m * 10pcs width
Manufacturer Youbisheng Tape (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.



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UBS Double Sided Tape High Viscosity Strength Studio Photo Frame Handbook Nameplate Leather Fixture Oily Double Sided Tape Semi-transparent Long-Term Fixation Resistant to 80 Degree Die Cut Wood Pulp Double Sided Tape

UBS Double Sided Tape High Viscosity Strength Studio Photo Frame Handbook Nameplate Leather Fixture Oily Double Sided Tape Semi-transparent Long-Term Fixation Resistant to 80 Degree Die Cut Wood Pulp Double Sided TapeUBS Double Sided Tape High Viscosity Strength Studio Photo Frame Handbook Nameplate Leather Fixture Oily Double Sided Tape Semi-transparent Long-Term Fixation Resistant to 80 Degree Die Cut Wood Pulp Double Sided TapeProvide UBS Double Sided Tape High Viscosity Strength Studio Photo Frame Handbook Nameplate Leather Fixture Oily Double Sided Tape Semi-transparent Long-Term Fixation Resistant to 80 Degree Die Cut Wood Pulp Double Sided Tape by 优必胜旗舰店优必胜旗舰店 at Product #: 357484701677.20优必胜旗舰店In stock