
Listed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique Maniye

Listed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique ManiyeZoom


ISBN number9787511868626
titleGovernance of listed companies in the context of the financial crisis
Author areaMainland China
Publishing timeOctober 2014
Publisher nameLaw Press
Is it a suitno



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Listed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique Maniye

Listed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique ManiyeListed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique ManiyeProvide Listed corporate governance in the context of the financial crisis aims to better protect corporate interests Veronique Maniye by 法律出版社旗舰店 at Product #: 4383478663315.42In stock